Dear Hannah, on your seventh birthday…

Dear Hannah, on your seventh birthday…

Posted by Joe Cianciotto

Dear Hannah,

It blows my mind to think that as of today you are now seven years old!

It feels like yesterday you were this little tater tot we were taking home from the hospital that lit up our life. It has been an incredible experience watching you grow from this baby, to a toddler, to what is now (I can’t believe) this beautiful young girl.

Okay so this is where I do my best attempt at a written time capsule and tell you all about yourself at this age.

First off…you and I call each other twinsies because it is scary how much we both are alike. Let’s see…you get in trouble in school for the exact same things that I did, we both love cookie dough but hate the chocolate chips, we stay up late whenever we get the chance (and do a thing called secret movie night where we watch movies in bed on my iPhone without your mother knowing), neither of us like change (even going so far as to miss our old house) and we both go for the laugh even if it means we might get punished for it. Ah and we also sneak out once a week to get warm bagels and eat them in bed.

And even though you’re only seven, in many ways I swear you have completely skipped ahead to become this full-fledged teenager in training. I say this because for the last six months you’ve been listening non-stop to this insane kid’s band called Kidz Bop… who take off color songs, sanitize the lyrics and then reproduce the tracks using what I have to imagine are emotionally damaged musically inclined children. The problem is I have now listened to these songs so much that I can’t tell the difference between Kidz Bop and the radio. It’s your jam though, so we have to respect that. We would never let on to it now, but when you are all alone (or think you are) you will listen to these songs while practicing the words and trying out new dance routines. And even though you will get embarrassed if mom and I try to sing and dance along with you, at your birthday party we gave you a karaoke machine and with all your friends you rocked it out hard.

As far as what you’re digging these days, your two favorite movies are the Incredibles and Wreck-It Ralph, your go-to toys are these things called LOL Dolls and you are all about making slime out of Elmer’s Glue and baking soda. What’s cute is that Sophie has become your mini-me, echoing your love for all of these same things. And what’s sweet is that you always generously include her in all of these activities and hobbies. You are so incredibly good to your little sister; it’s no wonder she looks up to you so much.

What’s been extra special for me is the time I have gotten to spend with you these past six months. In as long as you have been in our lives I have always had a job that has kept me on the road. In the past two years, in particular, I had been flying out Monday and getting home Thursday nights. In fact it was last year, that when mom asked you what you wished for, you said that it was for your whole family to be together on your birthday. That both broke my heart and also reminded me what my priorities in life need to be. Since June I have had a new slew of projects that have given me the opportunity to work from home most days in the week, and in being with you, Sophie and Mommy, in many ways I haven’t been this happy in a very long while. On most days I get to start my day off making you breakfast (well, pouring you cereal) and end each night watching Netflix in bed on my iPhone with you, so whatever turds might fall in between that, I am book-ending my day with some pretty fantastic stuff.

Ah and I’m so happy that this year I get to come to your class to read a story for your big day (although I just did that for Sophie and it was a bit of a disaster) and we are all going to dinner at your favorite restaurant McDonald’s, who just happen to have “Wreck-It Ralph” happy meal toys and then it’s off to TCBY for almond milk vanilla yogurt which both me and my twinsy happen to love.

Anyway, happy birthday sweetheart, we love you so much.

Can’t wait to spend another year with you!




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